
A huge welcome to The Memory Lab, and to this brand new blogging area of the website where we’ll keep you updated with our goings on behind-the-scenes, our latest news, case studies, technology trends and everything in-between! The Memory Lab is an old photo scanning, slide scanning and image restoration service. We’re a family business from the North of England, and love nothing more than a good old natter (preferably with a brew and a biscuit) so what better way than this to tell you all about what we do, why we do it and more importantly, how we can help you and your family reconnect with all your treasured memories.

The Blog will be updated regularly, but the aim is to always try and keep our content concise, relevant and dare we say it, perhaps even a little bit useful!

Our goal is always to help you with old photo scanning to preserve your much-loved images. Our customers are at the heart of everything we do and this blog is no different. If there’s something you’d like to know more about or have a question for us, we’d love to use this platform to highlight some of those topics. We’re keen on making our blog entries as collaborative as possible. So get in touch today and send us your questions about old photo scanning, image restoration and repair.

But, for now let’s start at the very beginning and we’ll tell you a little about our background and our reasons for starting the company. Here’s our company founder, to tell you more…

collage of scanned photos

Hello! I’m Beth! I’ve spent the last decade and a half working in Television and Photography and have enjoyed an extremely fulfilling career in the Media Industry. At the start of this year however, and with a growing family, I felt the time was right to take that leap and go in a different direction. A direction that utilised all my skills and technical knowledge but in a way I was truly passionate about and where I could help people. Which got me thinking. Anybody that knows me will tell you how much I enjoy engaging with people and reminiscing about growing up. I’m the person at the party who loves to reminisce about childhood-homes, family holidays, first cars, family pets, weddings, Christmas parties, dodgy school photos, the wallpaper in your Great-Grandparents living room, babies entering the world and perhaps best of all, haircuts you’d sooner wished hadn’t entered the world. All these memories, traced back to however long ago, help to make us and our families who we are today. And luckily, memories like this have usually been lovingly captured in photographic form.

old photo album

Now these days, we all take photos on our smartphones and tablets, and we’re accustomed to knowing these frozen moments in time are safely stored and digitally backed-up and catalogued in a way that we can return to them quickly, print them conveniently, and of course, share them endlessly on social media if desired. But what about the hundreds of physical photos and slides you’ve got in your attic? What about your Grandmother’s fragile Wedding slides or the nostalgia of “Greece ‘79”? What happens to your slightly water-damaged baby book from 1988 you’d want to show your own daughter some day or that one delicate sepia postage-stamp sized picture your Dad carried around in his wallet? As much as today’s photographs are automatically preserved in digital-form, these precious older analogue memories need to be too. And this is where the lightbulb moment came and The Memory Lab was born. The sole purpose of our company is to help you preserve all your old photos, slides and albums so they can be properly backed-up, cataloged and enjoyed into the future, for our families sake and for the benefit of future generations. We can’t let these beautiful points in our history get lost in the next big clear-out or house-move, they are just too important.

So next time you take a trip down Memory Lane and unearth that old box from the loft, consider it’s worth as a family heirloom and one that deserves to be given an all-important “digital footprint”.

I look forward to helping you and your families celebrate your memories.
